Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Hercules Five Paragraph Essay

For this assignment, we watched the Disney™ Movie Hercules. We also read the story Hercules. We than had to decide weather we wanted to ban this movie or keep it in the curriculum. We had to write a five paragraph essay.

Dear Google™ Board of Education:

Imagine if kids had the wrong information. The problem is that the movie Hercules is giving kids the wrong information. The reason this movie should be banned is because it gives false information, it has too much music, and the characters look totally different. This movie is really bad. This movie gives people false information. I think this movie should be banned because of that reason.

The first example is that there are five muses in the movie, and there are supposed to be nine muses. The second example is when the Titans are shown as monsters. They are not really monsters. Everyone who watches this movie is being fed fake information. Being fed fake information is not helpful to the viewers. This movie has way too much fake information. Do you want viewers to learn fake information from this movie?

Secondly, this movie should be banned because there is too much music. When you listen to music you are not learning. The first example is on the first song. The song is too long. The second example applies to all of the songs. The songs are too childish. Children might not pay attention because they do not like the songs. Would you pay attention to a movie that seems like it is for children?

Finally, this movie should be banned because of the characters. The characters look different than in the Greek stories. An example is Zeus. Zeus is supposed to look scary, but in the movie he looks like a friendly G-d. Another example is Hercules. He looks like a child, but in the Greek stories, he is older. Do you want viewers to thing incorrectly about these characters?

In conclusion, the movie Hercules should be banned. The movie gives viewers false information, has too much music, and has incorrect characters. I urge you to reconsider banning this movie from the school curriculum. I would like to thank you for using my ideas to take my position into consideration. Everyone who watches this movie is not only not benefiting from it, but it may even be harming them.


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Good Study Habits

- Plan ahead
- Do the work first, then do what you need to do
- Take snack breaks
- Make a group with friends to work together at a place like the library